Distance From Kuala Lumpur To Labuan By Flight
This corresponds to an approximate flight time of 2h 17min. As of June there are 42 flights per week flying from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan.
Your starting point Kuala Lumpur Malaysia is located at 31357101688.
Distance from kuala lumpur to labuan by flight. Kuala Lumpur is located in Malaysia with 314121016865 coordinates and Labuan is located in Indonesia with -6378410583 coordinates. The flight distance between the nearest airports Labuan and Kuala-Lumpur is 95015 mi 152913 km. This corresponds to an approximate flight time of 2h 18min.
The average price for connecting flights from Labuan to Kuala Lumpur is 498. Flight distance from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan Kuala Lumpur International Airport Labuan Airport is 951 miles 1530 kilometers 826 nautical miles. Flight time from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan is 2 hours 40 minutes.
Services are operated by Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia. Book tickets now on 12Go. So now we can finally get an idea of the total travel time from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan including time spent getting tofrom the airports an estimated wait time of 2 hours at the airport for TSA security lines and waiting at the gate and the actual flight.
The calculated flying distance from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan is equal to 717 miles which is equal to 1154 km. The chart below shows up to date information regarding non-stop flights from Labuan to Kuala Lumpur. This corresponds to an approximate flight.
Compare flights from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan and find cheap tickets with Skyscanner Skyscanner is a fast and simple travel search engine that compares hundreds of flights from all major airlines and travel agents finding you the best deal on cheap plane tickets to Labuan from Kuala Lumpur. Distance between Labuan LBU and Kuala Lumpur KUL Flight distance from Labuan to Kuala Lumpur Labuan Airport Kuala Lumpur International Airport is 951 miles. The flight distance between Kuala Lumpur and Labuan is 590 miles or 949 km.
As of July there are 42 flights per week flying from Labuan to Kuala Lumpur International. The average price for direct flights from Labuan to Kuala Lumpur is 320. The flight distance between the nearest airports Bandar-Labuan and Kuala-Lumpur is 95171 mi 153162 km.
Your ending point Labuan Malaysia is located at 5300556115247778. The average price for connecting flights from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan is MYR1283. Compare flights from Labuan to Kuala Lumpur and find cheap tickets with Skyscanner Skyscanner is a fast and simple travel search engine that compares hundreds of flights from all major airlines and travel agents finding you the best deal on cheap plane tickets to Kuala Lumpur from Labuan.
The fastest direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan takes 2 hours and 30 minutes. Estimated flight time is 2 hours 17 minutes. The flight distance between Labuan and Kuala Lumpur.
Looking how to get from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan. This corresponds to an approximate flight time of 2h 18min. The fastest flight normally takes 2h 25m.
The chart below shows up to date information regarding non-stop flights from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan. The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to Labuan Malaysia as the crow flies which is about 945 miles or 1 521 kilometers. Check trip schedule and travel distance.
Premium Economy and First Class are not available on this route at least not as a non-stop flight. The fastest direct flight from Labuan to Kuala Lumpur takes 2 hours and 25 minutes. Compare prices for trains buses ferries and flights.
You can fly in Economy and Business Class. The average price for direct flights from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan is MYR610. 2 hours 23 minutes.
The flying distance is 948 miles 1525 km. The overland distance from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan is 2252 miles 3623 km. Kuala Lumpur KUL to Labuan LBU flights The flight time between Kuala Lumpur KUL and Labuan LBU is around 3h 47m and covers a distance of around 1530 km.
Total distance from Kuala Lumpur to Labuan is 1524 kms equals to miles and 823 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
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